In Blanchard's article, he explains that there are three different types of racism, those who go out of their way to be racist, those who are naive about the situation and then there are the people who have absolutely no idea that they are being racist. With or without the perpetrators knowledge, they are oppressing someone. Blanchard focuses on race while Ayvazian focuses on everyone as a whole. She explains that everyone at some point in time in their life will become oppressed. "Even a white, christian, heterosexual male will be targeted at old age". She explains that there are targets and there are dominants of every group. For Blanchard the targets are the races except for whites and the dominant can be anyone. Both authors have found a solution that they seem fit for the problem at hand, and they both seem to revolve around education.
Ayvazian explains that beliefs and behaviors are congruent with each other, so if you believe that someone is below you, you will treat them that way. The group that is being oppressed needs to have an ally in the dominant group. the author explains that the oppressed group will never be heard; there might be small snippets in the media here and there but they will never have the power to have anything actually changed. "Allied behavior is clear action aimed at dismantling the oppression of others in areas where you yourself benefit". (pg2) Lorde, The Masters Tools will Never Dismantle the Master's House, explains exactly this; oppression wont help someone get out of oppression. You will need help from others, you will need someone to take a stand for you; someone who isn't being oppressed.
Frye is very connected to Blanchard's work because being oppressed because of your race is putting your in a double blind- no way out situation. If you don't fight for your race then you can be classified as being snooty, or using it as an excuse to be a bum in society, or that your you have no ambition to stop being oppressed (there are plenty more excuses/ reasons) but; if you want equality for your race compared to others, then you can be seen as ungrateful for what you have, not proud of where your from. Often times African American people who aren't living up to their stereotype of clothing are made fun of by people asking "why are you dressed so white?" I saw it all the time in my high school, but what if the person doesn't want to walk around with their jeans half way down their butt, or chains around their neck (I understand I just stereotyped there), they are ridiculed for trying to better themselves, and often its people in their own circle of oppression that are oppressing them further.
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